Live Event: Data or Ads? Future of Job Board Advertising in the Era of GenAI

Generative AI is already impacting the Attract-Retain-Hire value chain, and we have started hearing again how job boards will be dead in a few years.

The first time I heard this was in 2011, just a few days after I signed my first full-time contract for a German job board, heading over to HR Tech in Amsterdam. Back then, people said that social media would kill job boards and that no one would hire outside of Facebook.

Just six years later, Google launched Google Jobs and the Google Job Matching product. The narrative changed again, and this time, Google would kill all job boards.

Another seven years later, it is time to "kill" job boards again...this time, the promise of autonomous recruiters and AI-generated applications renders the business model of marketplaces useless.

The reality is a bit different - marketplaces will evolve, as they already have over the past 30 years.

There are both short-term and long-term implications of AI-based automation, and it goes both ways - not only recruiters can use automation, but so can candidates. What does that mean in concrete terms? Business models will evolve, Job Boards will find new ways to monetize, and some will ultimately differ from what we know. I predict that there will be some new types of job boards in the future that are pretty unthinkable today.

Does this sound interesting? If so, I am happy to share that I'll speak at "Data or Ads? Future of Job Board Advertising in Era of GenAI" with some real titans and legends of the industry Bill Fischer from VONQ, Louise Triance ⭐️ from UK Recruiter, Yazad Dalal from Joveo, Steven Rothberg from College Recruiter and Chris Russell from RecTech Media.

This is a free LIVE event organized by Hung Lee from the mighty Recruiting Brainfood.

You can sign up and attend using the link below:

Brainfood Live On Air - Ep254 - Data or Ads? Future of Job Board Advertising in the Era of GenAI
Register now for Brainfood Live On Air - Ep254 - Data or Ads? Future of Job Board Advertising in the Era of GenAI on crowdcast, scheduled to go live on April 19, 2024, 02:00 PM GMT+1.