Google is testing a new Job Sites SERP Feature in DE, AT, NL and FR.


The new Job Site SERP feature on Google marks a significant shift for job boards, paralleling the recent updates to Google Jobs UX. This feature, distinct from traditional organic search results, is prominently displayed above Google Jobs and is triggered by job-related searches, specifically targeting job listing pages of boards and aggregators. It provides users meta information about job sites, enhancing decision-making with direct page clicks akin to organic results. Currently, up to 16 results can be swiped in this feature, with the first four expected to garner the most attention. This development raises questions about its impact on Google's ad tests and the SEO strategies of job boards/aggregators, emphasizing the need for optimized technical SEO, content relevance, and fast loading times to leverage this new sub-channel effectively.

The new Job Sites SERP Feature on Google in Germany

The new Job Sites SERP feature 

This SERP feature is the most significant change on Google for job boards since the launch of Google Jobs.

The new Job Site SERP feature is being tested in parallel with the new Google Jobs UX I wrote about a few days ago. 

Job Sites feature is shown above the new Google Jobs UX and below the sponsored search.

SERP features are elements of a search engine’s search result page (SERP) that aren’t traditional organic search results. You know them already - Knowledge Panel, People Also Ask, Related Searches, Google Jobs. Here are some examples:

SERP Feature: People also ask
SERP Feature: Images

How is the Job Sites SERP feature activated? 

The new Job Sites feature is shown above Google Jobs and the organic search result, which is very prominent.  

The feature is only triggered for a job-related search, which works similarly to how Google Jobs works today.

The results are limited to search result pages only - job listing SERP pages of job boards and aggregators.  

In the example below, it was triggered for “Product Manager jobs in München.”

Still, there is a difference. The meta information of the job site is displayed, which conveys a lot of information for users to decide which result to click. The click is a direct click to the page, similar to how organic results behave. 

Right now, the Job Sites feature shows up to 16 results that can be swiped, but we all know that the first four will get most of the clicks anyway. The slider's behavior reminds me a lot about sponsored job ads, and Ken Shafer formulated an interesting hypothesis on Linkedin.

Does the Job Sites SERP feature show a new display ad test?

Google Job Ads are currently being tested with a similar UX – a slider with five job ads and four collections. 

Here is an example of the Google Job Ads test

So, what if the current Job Ads product tests do not show sufficient conversions? You test different zones of the page with different content, in this case, not job ads but search result pages of job boards and aggregators.

Testing this way and measuring engagement is much easier than setting up a new product. 

How does that impact the SEO of a Job Board / Aggregator?

The prominence of the Job Sites SERP feature (above all, organic search) is very high. It will get a lot of clicks. 

At the same time, clicking on a Job Site card redirects the user immediately to the search result page of the job board, where job seekers can engage with jobs.

Search result pages have always been one of the leading organic traffic drivers for job boards and aggregators, and I predict this sub-channel will grow even further once this feature goes live across all countries. 

If you still need to look into the technical SEO requirements of your job search result pages, now is a good time!

The most important ways for your search pages to rank are the following:

  • Search pages should match the user's intent and mimic keywords that job seekers are searching for.
  • A proper technical SEO setup (meta tags and H1,2)
  • Relevant content with jobs that match the search page
  • Proper canonical URLs to avoid duplicates are essential for job boards where we get tons of search pages built out of combinations of job titles and locations
  • Fast loading times
  • Extensive internal linking

Conclusion - impact of the new Job Sites SERP feature

the introduction of the Job Sites SERP feature on Google can represent a pivotal moment for job boards and aggregators, offering a significant opportunity to increase visibility and traffic. As this feature places these sites prominently above traditional organic search results (but still below sponsored results), optimizing your job site for SEO becomes crucial. Job boards and aggregators must focus on aligning their search pages with user intent, using relevant keywords, ensuring technical SEO robustness, providing content that accurately matches job queries, and maintaining fast page loading times. This strategic SEO focus will be vital in maximizing the potential of this new feature, allowing job boards and aggregators to capitalize on the increased clicks and attention it brings. 

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This SERP feature is the most significant change on Google relevant for job boards and aggregators since the launch of Google Jobs. SERP features are elements…
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